Check out our frequently asked questions


Where do you ship from?

All our products are shipped from Canada first. We do have a back up supplier in the US. We would like to point out that some duty fees may apply if your order gets shipped from the US. If you're not happy with your order, please review our return policy.

What are your shipping fee's?

Are shipping fees are listed as below:

Standard: $8.91-$10
Express: 21.90

*Note: Free Shipping is offered on orders $100+

Shipping Information

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, we do. Please use the following link to read all about our refund policy.

Refund Policy

How long can I expect to wait for my items?

Normal shipping lead times are about 7-10 business days.

Express shipping: 1-2 business days

Do you ship international?

Currently, we do not but we are working on it. We have a secondary supplier that will ship product's to our Canadian customers and US domestic shipping is coming.

If you would like to stay up to date on new products, brand changes, etc, consider subscribing to our newsletter.

Do you offer discount codes?

Yes absolutely, we offer discount codes for from time to time. We offer most of our discount codes through our newsletter so remember to subscribe so you don't mess out!

Discount codes can be entered at checkout in the discount code section. Only one discount is valid per order.

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